The Wyvern Afinado Guitar Orchestra (WAGO) was formed in early 2020 as a group of amateur classical guitarists who enjoy playing and performing music together from their base at Hewish & Puxton Village Hall in Nth Somerset.  A ‘Wyvern’ is a 2-legged dragon, a version of which is on the flag of Somerset, and ‘Afinado’ is a Spanish word meaning ‘in tune’ or ‘polished’.

WAGO are fortunate to gain the support of world class professional musicians in their concert preparation workshops, and as part of their concerts.  WAGO’s music is classical in style but in varying formats including other orchestral instruments and in different ensemble groupings.  WAGO also use non-standard guitars (soprano/octave, quint/alto, requinto, terz, quint bass, and contrabass) to enhance their colour and sound range.

Ham Farm Festival Web Site

Next Concert 12.30 – 1.20pm Saturday 27th July at Ham Farm Festival (Click here for details)

Concert Sunday 8th December led by Craig Ogden (Click here for details)